Heel Pain?

Heel pain is particularly common with the first step in the morning or end of the day. It may be indicative of plantar fasciopathy, which can be the result of overuse, increase in load, poor footwear, deconditioning or trauma.
With a lot of people returning to sports, running, gym work and even career changes- a lot of symptoms have been presenting to SSPC in 2022!
A study earlier this year revealed the most effective treatment options for heel pain included stretching and taping, followed by modification of load, custom orthoses and shockwave therapy (Morrissey, Cotchett & Said et al, 2021).
Heel pain doesn’t have to be an ongoing chronic issue – there are lots of ways to manage the symptoms and get you back to day to enjoying your day-to-day.
Your podiatrist can assess your foot type and gait pattern in an examination which can lead to a range of different treatments including dry needling, orthotic therapy, foot mobilisation, stretching, strength and conditioning programs and shockwave therapy.
Shockwave is the technology of high frequency soundwaves that are targeted at the tissue to initiate an inflammatory response and engage the body to reconfigure the integrity of that tissue. It is also great at breaking down scar tissue or helping the body kick start an inflammatory response and healing. SSPC is very lucky to have access to the shock wave machine and other treatments listed above, to implement in the treatment room straight away
Each of these treatments separately and often in conjunction, play a part in rehabilitation of heel pain, but we know that each patient and each injury is different and listening to the patient and the body is the best way we can form patient-centred treatment plans.
Need to stay on your feet? Can’t take time off work? Has heel pain bothered you for far too long? Book an appointment today at SSPC
This article was written and curated by Ursula Richards, a podiatrist in our East Bentleigh clinic.